East 547 Community Development District Proposed Budget FY2025 1 - 2 3 - 7 8 9 10 11 Debt Service Fund - Series 2023 Amortization Schedule Table of Contents General Fund General Fund Narrative Debt Service Fund - Series 2021 Amortization Schedule Adopted Actuals Projected Description BFuY2d0ge2t4 2/T2h9r/u24 7 MNoenxtths 9/TT3oh0tra/ul2 4 PFBrYou2pd0og2see5td ADRseesvveeeslnsomupeeesrn Ctso -n Ttraibx u Rtoiollns $$ 131619,,165706 $$ 1 6 295,,501060 $$ 1 2 3 ,2 10394 $$ 114689,,260509 $$ 5 0 8 , 7 -81 Total Revenues $ 480,826 $ 194,516 $ 123,343 $ 317,859 $ 508,781 Expenditures Administrative Supervisor Fees 12,000 $ 800 $ 4,000 $ 4,800 $ 12,000 $ Engineering Fees 10,000 $ 723 $ 3,503 $ 4,225 $ 10,000 $ Assessment Administration 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,250 $ Arbitrage Fees 900 $ 900 $ - $ 900 $ 900 $ Dissemination Fees 6,000 $ 3,333 $ 3,500 $ 6,833 $ 6,300 $ Attorney Fees 20,000 $ 2,495 $ 3,493 $ 5,989 $ 20,000 $ Annual Audit 5,500 $ - $ 4,600 $ 4,600 $ 4,800 $ Management Fees 38,213 $ 15,922 $ 22,291 $ 38,213 $ 40,124 $ Information Technology 1,800 $ 750 $ 1,050 $ 1,800 $ 1,890 $ Website Maintenance 1,200 $ 500 $ 700 $ 1,200 $ 1,260 $ Trustee Fees 8,040 $ - $ 4,041 $ 4,041 $ 8,080 $ Postage 600 $ 262 $ 367 $ 629 $ 600 $ Insurance 6,397 $ 5,758 $ - $ 5,758 $ 6,622 $ Copies 500 $ - $ 100 $ 100 $ 500 $ Legal Advertising 6,000 $ - $ 1,413 $ 1,413 $ 2,500 $ Contingency 2,500 $ 230 $ 323 $ 553 $ 2,500 $ Office Supplies 250 $ 5 $ 50 $ 55 $ 250 $ Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 $ 175 $ - $ 175 $ 175 $ Total Administrative 125,075 $ 36,854 $ 49,430 $ 86,284 $ 123,751 $ East 547 Community Development District General Fund 1 Adopted Actuals Projected Description BFuY2d0ge2t4 2/T2h9r/u24 7 MNoenxtths 9/TT3oh0tra/ul2 4 PFBrYou2pd0og2see5td East 547 Community Development District General Fund Operations & Maintenance Field Expenditures Property Insurance 15,000 $ 13,487 $ - $ 13,487 $ 15,000 $ Field Management 15,750 $ 6,563 $ 9,188 $ 15,750 $ 15,750 $ Landscape Maintenance 80,000 $ 27,741 $ 38,837 $ 66,577 $ 120,000 $ Landscape Replacement 12,500 $ 2,947 $ 1,500 $ 4,447 $ 15,000 $ Lake Maintenance 5,500 $ - $ 2,750 $ 2,750 $ - $ Streetlights 36,000 $ 9,383 $ 28,000 $ 37,383 $ 36,000 $ Electric 25,000 $ 68 $ 3,850 $ 3,918 $ 25,000 $ Water & Sewer 5,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 $ Sidewalk & Asphalt Maintenance 2,500 $ - $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 2,500 $ Irrigation Repairs 7,500 $ - $ 550 $ 550 $ 7,500 $ General Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 $ 5,164 $ 7,229 $ 12,393 $ 10,000 $ Contingency 7,500 $ - $ 600 $ 600 $ 7,500 $ Subtotal Field Expenditures 222,250 $ 65,352 $ 96,254 $ 161,606 $ 259,250 $ Amenity Expenditures Amenity - Electric 14,400 $ 5,131 $ 7,183 $ 12,313 $ 14,400 $ Amenity - Water 7,500 $ - $ 3,750 $ 3,750 $ 7,500 $ Internet 1,500 $ 465 $ 749 $ 1,214 $ 1,500 $ Pest Control 600 $ 132 $ 352 $ 484 $ 600 $ Janitorial Services 10,200 $ 4,250 $ 6,000 $ 10,250 $ 11,180 $ Security Services 30,000 $ - $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 32,000 $ Pool Maintenance 19,800 $ 7,950 $ 11,550 $ 19,500 $ 23,600 $ Amenity Management 5,000 $ 2,083 $ 2,917 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ Amenity Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 $ 903 $ 903 $ 1,806 $ 10,000 $ Playground Lease 27,001 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Holiday Decorations - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,500 $ Contingency 7,500 $ 285 $ 368 $ 653 $ 7,500 $ Subtotal Amenity Expenditures 133,501 $ 21,198 $ 48,771 $ 69,970 $ 125,780 $ Total Operations & Maintenance 355,751 $ 86,550 $ 145,025 $ 231,575 $ 385,030 $ Total Expenditures 480,826 $ 123,404 $ 194,455 $ 317,859 $ 508,781 $ Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) - $ 71,112 $ (71,112) $ - $ - $ Net Assessments $508,781 Add: Discounts & Colections 7% $38,295 Gross Assessments $547,076 Product ERU's Assessable Units ERU/Unit Net Assessment Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit Platted 509.00 509 1.00 $508,780.70 $999.57 $1,074.81 2 East 547 Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET REVENUES: Assessments The District will levy a non-ad valorem assessment on all assessable property within the District to fund all general operating and maintenance expenditures during the fiscal year. EXPENDITURES: Administrative: Supervisor Fees Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, allows for each Board member to receive $200 per meeting, not to exceed $4,800 per year paid to each Supervisor for the time devoted to District business and meetings. Engineering Fees The District's engineer provides general engineering services to the District, e.g. attendance and preparation for monthly board meetings, review invoices and various projects as directed by the Board of Supervisors and the District Manager. Assessment Administration The District will contract to levy and administer the collection of non-ad valorem assessment on all assessable property within the District. Arbitrage Fees The District will contract with an independent certified public accountant to annually calculate the District’s Arbitrage Rebate Liability on its Series 2021 bonds and another anticipated bond issuance. Dissemination Fees The District is required by the Security and Exchange Commission to comply with Rule 15c2-12(b)(5) which relates to additional reporting requirements for unrated bond issues. This cost is based upon the Series 2021 bonds and another anticipated bond issuance. Governmental Management Services – Central Florida, LLC completes these reporting requirements. Attorney Fees The District's legal counsel provides general legal services to the District, e.g. attendance and preparation for meetings, preparation and review of agreements, resolutions, etc. as directed by the Board of Supervisors and the District Manager. Annual Audit The District is required by Florida Statutes to arrange for an independent audit of its financial records on an annual basis. 3 East 547 Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Management Fees The District receives Management, Accounting and Administrative services as part of a Management Agreement with Governmental Management Services-Central Florida, LLC. The services include but are not limited to, recording and transcription of board meetings, administrative services, budget preparation, all financial reports, annual audits, etc. Information Technology Represents costs related to the District’s information systems, which include but are not limited to video conferencing services, cloud storage services and servers, positive pay implementation and programming for fraud protection, accounting software, tablets for meetings, Adobe, Microsoft Office, etc. Governmental Management Services – Central Florida, LLC provides these systems. Website Maintenance Represents the costs associated with monitoring and maintaining the District’s website created in accordance with Chapter 189, Florida Statutes. These services include site performance assessments, security and firewall maintenance, updates, document uploads, hosting and domain renewals, website backups, etc. Governmental Management Services – Central Florida, LLC provides these services. Trustee Fees The District will incur trustee related costs with the issuance of its’ issued bonds. Postage The District incurs charges for mailing of Board meeting agenda packages, overnight deliveries, correspondence, etc. Insurance The District’s general liability, public official’s liability insurance and property insurance coverages. Copies Printing and Binding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, envelopes etc. Legal Advertising The District is required to advertise various notices for monthly Board meetings, public hearings, etc. in a newspaper of general circulation. Contingency Bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. Office Supplies Any supplies that may need to be purchased during the fiscal year, e.g., paper, minute books, file folders, labels, paper clips, etc. 4 East 547 Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions The District is required to pay an annual fee to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for $175. This is the only expense under this category for the District. Operations & Maintenance: F ield Expenditures Property Insurance The District’s property insurance coverages. Field Management riTmnehassepnp eaoDcgntiedsimot trnoeisc np,t t mr ioosepf e ectcroiontnyngt tsorr awawccntiteteshd r f cpoworhn iottthnhra eecG ctDoaoivlrslesstr ,r animncmtdo e nsenuimttcoaharli ilnasMsg. a olnafan ugdtesimlciateypn eat c acSnoedur vnlitacske, esa -tCmteeannidtnr taBelon aaFrnlodcr emi.d eSaee, trLivnLigcCse saf onirnd c orluencdseeiti evo enf aiseniltdde L iRnaesnptdarelslcsaaetpinoetns M otahf ielna tenesdntsiamcnacapetee dm mataeirniatel nhaans cbee eonf cthoem lpalnedtesdca. ping within the common areas of the District after the LRaenpdrescsaepnets R tehpel aecsetimmeantte d cost of replacing landscaping within the common areas of the District. Streetlights tRherporuegsheonutst tthhee fcisocsat l tyoe amra. intain street lights within the District Boundaries that are expected to be in place Electric Represents current and estimated electric charges of common areas throughout the District. Water & Sewer tRheep Dreissternictst. c urrent and estimated costs for water and refuse services provided for common areas throughout Sidewalk & Asphalt Maintenance R epresents the estimated costs of maintaining the sidewalks and asphalt throughout the District’s Boundary. 5 East 547 Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Irrigation Repairs Represents the cost of maintaining and repairing the irrigation system. This includes irrigation wells. the sprinklers, and GReenperreasle Rntesp aesirtsim &a Mteadi nctoesntas nfocer general repairs and maintenance of the District’s common areas. Contingency aRneyp rfieesledn ctas tfeugnodrsy a. llocated to expenses that the District could incur throughout the fiscal year that do not fit into Amenity Expenditures Amenity - Electric Represents estimated electric charges for the District’s amenity facilities. Amenity – Water Represents estimated water charges for the District’s amenity facilities. Amenity – Insurance Represents the District’s property insurance coverages. Amenity - Internet Internet service will be added for use at the Amenity Center. Pest Control The District will incur costs for pest control treatments to its amenity facilities. Janitorial Services Represents estimated costs to provide janitorial services and supplies for the District’s amenity facilities. Security Services Represents the estimated cost of contracting a monthly security service for the District’s amenity facilities. Pool Maintenance Represents estimated costs of regular cleaning and treatments of the District’s pool. 6 East 547 Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Amenity Management Provides access card issuance through registration, proof of residency, and photo identification. fepcpaomrrcooniavvlciieiitldd irdeeenisdsrs. e keaclentelydycc ttaraorom dtnhe itcenr iAcotoyumm bpelmeonsliuithcynoy iAo cvctaiictnoieoglsan stf ioTfooren rasi msD svi.uis taeth rsrei ce actmn ondsoet t wecoo fsc n maacmnaednren ardgsai i rnrmeegclo taa ntnreiedtdom m rtoioont nega i ctcooucnres itsnaosngm caaeocsrnc- tensrseeosrel v.td oiSec tedtha tfebhf aDrrsoieisusv tT.gir ehhiDcw eitps ’stsht e raosaiemcnmtceseu anaraliinsrttdoyye Amenity Repairs & Maintenance Represents estimated costs for repairs and maintenance of the District’s amenity facilities. Contingency aRneyp raemseenntisty f ucnatdesg aolrloyc. ated to expenses that the District could incur throughout the fiscal year that do not fit into 7 East 547 Community Development District Debt Service Fund Series 2021 Adopted Actuals Projected Description BFuY2d0ge2t4 2/T2h9r/u24 7 MNoenxtths P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d PFBrYou2pd0og2see5td ICAARnssaetssrveeererssyness Fsmmutoeeersnnwttassr -d P Sruerppalyums e(1n)t $$$$ 3 19 07 ,,14 --5971 $$$$ 228 36610671,,,,278067822363 $$$$ 134 025 ,,,347 -038123 $$$$ 238 166 20066,,,,189456852576 $$$$ 22 391 393 ,,, 382 -572298 Total Revenues $ 407,648 $ 1,375,945 $ 88,515 $ 1,464,460 $ 546,459 Expenditures IIISSPnnnpprtttieeneeeccrrrciieeeiaapsssll atttCC l---aa -001ll ll0 125--5 ///00/000120111/110/011 $$$$$$ 1 299 055 ,,,011 ---011055 $$$$$$ 17 069 005 ,,,001 8 --00170051 $$$$$$ 1 29 05 ,,01 ----0105 $$$$$$ 117 026 99 00055 ,,,,, 000118000117000551 $$$$$$ 1 077 055 ,,, ---011033 Total Expenditures $ 310,230 $ 955,986 $ 215,115 $ 1,171,101 $ 251,025 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 97,418 $ 419,959 $ (126,600) $ 293,359 $ 295,434 Interest - 11/1 $ 74,262.50 (1) Carryforward Surplus is net of Debt Service Reserve Funds Product Assessable Units Net Assessment Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit SSiinnggllee FFaammiillyy -- AArreeaa OOnnee Paid Down 19629 $$22181,,712475 $1$,321429..2358 $1$,333453..7452 Total ERU's 261 $239,872 8 East 547 Community Development District Series 2021 Special Assessment Bonds Amortization Schedule Date Balance Prinicpal Interest Total 11/01/24 4,240,000.00 $ - $ 75,512.50 $ 75,512.50 $ 05/01/25 4,240,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 75,512.50 $ 11/01/25 4,140,000.00 $ - $ 74,262.50 $ 249,775.00 $ 05/01/26 4,140,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 74,262.50 $ 11/01/26 4,040,000.00 $ - $ 73,012.50 $ 247,275.00 $ 05/01/27 4,040,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 73,012.50 $ 11/01/27 3,480,000.00 $ - $ 71,437.50 $ 249,450.00 $ 05/01/28 3,935,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 71,437.50 $ 11/01/28 3,825,000.00 $ - $ 69,787.50 $ 251,225.00 $ 05/01/29 3,825,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 69,787.50 $ 11/01/29 3,715,000.00 $ - $ 68,137.50 $ 247,925.00 $ 05/01/30 3,715,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 68,137.50 $ 11/01/30 3,600,000.00 $ - $ 66,412.50 $ 249,550.00 $ 05/01/31 3,600,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 66,412.50 $ 11/01/31 3,480,000.00 $ - $ 64,612.50 $ 251,025.00 $ 05/01/32 3,480,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 64,612.50 $ 11/01/32 3,360,000.00 $ - $ 62,632.50 $ 247,245.00 $ 05/01/33 3,360,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 62,632.50 $ 11/01/33 3,235,000.00 $ - $ 60,570.00 $ 248,202.50 $ 05/01/34 3,235,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 60,570.00 $ 11/01/34 3,105,000.00 $ - $ 58,425.00 $ 248,995.00 $ 05/01/35 3,105,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 58,425.00 $ 11/01/35 2,970,000.00 $ - $ 56,197.50 $ 249,622.50 $ 05/01/36 2,970,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 56,197.50 $ 11/01/36 2,830,000.00 $ - $ 53,887.50 $ 250,085.00 $ 05/01/37 2,830,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 53,887.50 $ 11/01/37 2,685,000.00 $ - $ 51,495.00 $ 250,382.50 $ 05/01/38 2,685,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 51,495.00 $ 11/01/38 2,535,000.00 $ - $ 49,020.00 $ 250,515.00 $ 05/01/39 2,535,000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ 49,020.00 $ 11/01/39 2,380,000.00 $ - $ 46,462.50 $ 250,482.50 $ 05/01/40 2,380,000.00 $ 160,000.00 $ 46,462.50 $ 11/01/40 2,220,000.00 $ - $ 43,822.50 $ 250,285.00 $ 05/01/41 2,220,000.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 43,822.50 $ 11/01/41 2,055,000.00 $ - $ 41,100.00 $ 249,922.50 $ 05/01/42 2,055,000.00 $ 170,000.00 $ 41,100.00 $ 11/01/42 1,885,000.00 $ - $ 37,700.00 $ 248,800.00 $ 05/01/43 1,885,000.00 $ 180,000.00 $ 37,700.00 $ 11/01/43 1,705,000.00 $ - $ 34,100.00 $ 251,800.00 $ 05/01/44 1,705,000.00 $ 185,000.00 $ 34,100.00 $ 11/01/44 1,520,000.00 $ - $ 30,400.00 $ 249,500.00 $ 05/01/45 1,520,000.00 $ 190,000.00 $ 30,400.00 $ 11/01/45 1,330,000.00 $ - $ 26,600.00 $ 247,000.00 $ 05/01/46 1,330,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 26,600.00 $ 11/01/46 1,130,000.00 $ - $ 22,600.00 $ 249,200.00 $ 05/01/47 1,130,000.00 $ 210,000.00 $ 22,600.00 $ 11/01/47 920,000.00 $ - $ 18,400.00 $ 251,000.00 $ 05/01/48 920,000.00 $ 215,000.00 $ 18,400.00 $ 11/01/48 705,000.00 $ - $ 14,100.00 $ 247,500.00 $ 05/01/49 705,000.00 $ 225,000.00 $ 14,100.00 $ 11/01/49 480,000.00 $ - $ 9,600.00 $ 248,700.00 $ 05/01/50 480,000.00 $ 235,000.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 11/01/50 245,000.00 $ - $ 4,900.00 $ 249,500.00 $ 05/01/51 245,000.00 $ 245,000.00 $ 4,900.00 $ 249,900.00 $ 4,240,000.00 $ 2,570,375.00 $ 6,810,375.00 $ 9 East 547 Community Development District Debt Service Fund Series 2023 Proposed Actuals Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 2/T2h9r/u24 7 MNoenxtths P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d PFBrYou2pd0og2see5td ICARnsaetsrveerersynes Fsmutoeersnwtasrd Surplus (1) $$$ 2 22 96 ,,45 -6835 $$$ 1 ,0 --77 $$$ 2 21 95 ,,45 -6038 $$$ 2 2 96 ,, 45 -6835 $$$ 25 461363,,,242459053 Total Revenues $ 256,048 $ 11,077 $ 244,971 $ 256,048 $ 822,988 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- -01 0155///000111 $$$ 2 5 3 ,6 --84 $$$ --- $$$ 2 5 3 ,6 --84 $$$ 2 5 3 , 6 --84 $$$ 22 229990,,,440660330 Total Expenditures $ 253,684 $ - $ 253,684 $ 253,684 $ 548,925 Other Sources/(Uses) Bond Proceeds $ 526,909 $ 526,909 $ - $ 526,909 $ - Transfer Out $ (7,197) $ (7,197) $ - $ (7,197) $ - Total Other Sources/(Uses) $ 519,712 $ 519,712 $ - $ 534,106 $ - Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 522,076 $ 530,789 $ (8,713) $ 536,470 $ 274,063 (1) Carryforward Surplus is net of Debt Service Reserve Funds Interest - 11/1 $ 226,987.50 Product Assessable Units Net Assessment Net Per Unit Gross Per Unit Single Family 248 $546,450 $2,203 $2,369 Total ERU's 248 $546,450 10 East 547 Community Development District Series 2023 Special Assessment Bonds Amortization Schedule Date Balance Prinicpal Interest Total 05/01/24 7,245,000.00 $ - $ 253,683.54 $ 11/01/24 7,245,000.00 $ - $ 229,462.50 $ 483,146.04 $ 05/01/25 7,245,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 229,462.50 $ 11/01/25 7,155,000.00 $ - $ 226,987.50 $ 546,450.00 $ 05/01/26 7,155,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 226,987.50 $ 11/01/26 7,065,000.00 $ - $ 224,512.50 $ 541,500.00 $ 05/01/27 7,065,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 224,512.50 $ 11/01/27 6,635,000.00 $ - $ 221,762.50 $ 546,275.00 $ 05/01/28 6,965,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 221,762.50 $ 11/01/28 6,860,000.00 $ - $ 218,875.00 $ 545,637.50 $ 05/01/29 6,860,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 218,875.00 $ 11/01/29 6,750,000.00 $ - $ 215,850.00 $ 544,725.00 $ 05/01/30 6,750,000.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 215,850.00 $ 11/01/30 6,635,000.00 $ - $ 212,687.50 $ 543,537.50 $ 05/01/31 6,635,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 212,687.50 $ 11/01/31 6,515,000.00 $ - $ 208,937.50 $ 541,625.00 $ 05/01/32 6,515,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 208,937.50 $ 11/01/32 6,385,000.00 $ - $ 204,875.00 $ 543,812.50 $ 05/01/33 6,385,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 204,875.00 $ 11/01/33 6,245,000.00 $ - $ 200,500.00 $ 545,375.00 $ 05/01/34 6,245,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 200,500.00 $ 11/01/34 6,100,000.00 $ - $ 195,968.75 $ 541,468.75 $ 05/01/35 6,100,000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ 195,968.75 $ 11/01/35 5,945,000.00 $ - $ 191,125.00 $ 542,093.75 $ 05/01/36 5,945,000.00 $ 165,000.00 $ 191,125.00 $ 11/01/36 5,780,000.00 $ - $ 185,968.75 $ 542,093.75 $ 05/01/37 5,780,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 185,968.75 $ 11/01/37 5,605,000.00 $ - $ 180,500.00 $ 541,468.75 $ 05/01/38 5,605,000.00 $ 190,000.00 $ 180,500.00 $ 11/01/38 5,415,000.00 $ - $ 174,562.50 $ 545,062.50 $ 05/01/39 5,415,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 174,562.50 $ 11/01/39 5,215,000.00 $ - $ 168,312.50 $ 542,875.00 $ 05/01/40 5,215,000.00 $ 215,000.00 $ 168,312.50 $ 11/01/40 5,000,000.00 $ - $ 161,593.75 $ 544,906.25 $ 05/01/41 5,000,000.00 $ 230,000.00 $ 161,593.75 $ 11/01/41 4,275,000.00 $ - $ 154,406.25 $ 546,000.00 $ 05/01/42 4,275,000.00 $ 240,000.00 $ 154,406.25 $ 11/01/42 4,275,000.00 $ - $ 146,906.25 $ 541,312.50 $ 05/01/43 4,275,000.00 $ 255,000.00 $ 146,906.25 $ 11/01/43 4,275,000.00 $ - $ 138,937.50 $ 540,843.75 $ 05/01/44 4,275,000.00 $ 275,000.00 $ 138,937.50 $ 11/01/44 4,000,000.00 $ - $ 130,000.00 $ 543,937.50 $ 05/01/45 4,000,000.00 $ 295,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 11/01/45 3,705,000.00 $ - $ 120,412.50 $ 545,412.50 $ 05/01/46 3,705,000.00 $ 315,000.00 $ 120,412.50 $ 11/01/46 3,390,000.00 $ - $ 110,175.00 $ 545,587.50 $ 05/01/47 3,390,000.00 $ 335,000.00 $ 110,175.00 $ 11/01/47 3,055,000.00 $ - $ 99,287.50 $ 544,462.50 $ 05/01/48 3,055,000.00 $ 355,000.00 $ 99,287.50 $ 11/01/48 2,700,000.00 $ - $ 87,750.00 $ 542,037.50 $ 05/01/49 2,700,000.00 $ 380,000.00 $ 87,750.00 $ 11/01/49 2,320,000.00 $ - $ 75,400.00 $ 543,150.00 $ 05/01/50 2,320,000.00 $ 405,000.00 $ 75,400.00 $ 11/01/50 1,915,000.00 $ - $ 62,237.50 $ 542,637.50 $ 05/01/51 1,915,000.00 $ 435,000.00 $ 62,237.50 $ 11/01/51 1,480,000.00 $ - $ 48,100.00 $ 545,337.50 $ 05/01/52 1,480,000.00 $ 460,000.00 $ 48,100.00 $ 11/01/52 1,020,000.00 $ - $ 33,150.00 $ 541,250.00 $ 05/01/53 1,020,000.00 $ 495,000.00 $ 33,150.00 $ 11/01/53 525,000.00 $ - $ 17,062.50 $ 545,212.50 $ 05/01/54 525,000.00 $ 525,000.00 $ 17,062.50 $ 542,062.50 $ 7,245,000.00 $ 9,546,296.04 $ 16,791,296.04 $ 11